Dead Girls Don T Lie Analysis

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"You must trust and believe in people, or life becomes impossible." --Anton ChekhovIn (Daskal). This quote tells just how are the girls are feeling because it is impossible to know what to do without the girls trusting someone. In Jennifer Shaw Wolf’s books Breaking Beautiful and Dead Girls Don’t Lie uses the same stylistic elements. The stylistic elements she uses to portray her style are flashbacks, characters, and similar theme. Wolf uses “flashbacks” to help structure the plot to show her style. In both stories, it helps the reader understand what has happened because both stories first talk about a death. A reviewer also stated how “The author has done a good job of helping readers understand the accident as it is told in flashbacks …show more content…

Especially her main characters who are very close in personality and they both develop the same. Wolf uses the main characters in both books to move the plot both girls experience the same setbacks and turning points. At the beginning both girls had a secret; Allie from Breaking Beautiful secret was that she was being abused by her now dead boyfriend. As for Jaycee, in Dead Girls Don’t Lie, has two secrets, one, that she and Rachel went into the old house and secondly, she didn’t answer her ex-best friend's last text message before she died. Both girls are oppressed with this burden while trying to figure out what really happened and trying to keep their secrets. Many times both girls wanted to confess the truth, “The words are on the tip of my tongue where they have been a thousand times before. Trip hit me. Trip hurt me. This is all Trip’s fault. But like a thousand times before, I can’t make myself say it. I let the proof that was all over my body fade away”(Breaking Beautiful 316). Allie doesn’t want to tell anybody about the abuse because she doesn’t want to speak badly about the “golden boy” of the town and it gives the town’s people a reason for her to be the killer of Trip. As Jaycee talks to Agent Herrera about Rachel’s death, Jaycee thinks, “I think about telling him everything, about the text, about the old house; maybe if I tell him, this …show more content…

This was a theme shown in both books. It’s hard to know who to trust when you have a secret to keep. Allie was unsure of who to trust because she doesn’t know what happened that night, and she can’t even trust herself. Both girls have people telling them that they can trust them, “Detective Weeks shakes his head like I’ve disappointed him somehow. “You have to trust somebody sometime, Allie. I just hope when the time comes, you decide to trust the right person”’ (Breaking Beautiful 249). Just like Allie is being told to trust someone, Jaycee receives a letter from Rachel to her that says, “‘ I have a message for you.” He looks around. “From her.” I jerk back, startled, my heart was pounding… It's Rachel’s handwriting, but not from fourth grade. There are two lines that look like they were written at different times: Don’t trust anyone but E. And then, The cross has the answer. My blood runs cold” (Dead Girls Don’t Lie 43). It was Eduardo who gave Jaycee the letter and in the letter it says to trust him but he is a Mexican that use to be part of a gang this is why Jaycee is having a hard time trusting him. In Breaking Beautiful, Allie doesn’t remember what happened at the accident and some people are saying she killed Trip. Since she doesn’t know what happened that night she needs to keep the abuse a secret because if someone found out they would think that she killed Trip because of