Deaf Epic: Chapter Analysis

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Prompt #1: After my receiving feedback on my Ch. 4 analysis, I would agree I need to make my chapter analysis more longer. I know what to change for Ch. 9 analysis. I would give the details that I had in Ch. 4 analysis the same for Ch. 9. Prompt #2: What is an epic? An epic connotes a certain air of grandeur and sweeping drama, a deep understanding of form and meaning that lends insight into the process of evolving languages and traditions that delve into history and culture. What is a Deaf epic? Deaf epic is that it demonstrated the triumph of a minority against a majority; the inherent struggle against an oppressive society, became a model for fighting oppression through nonviolent means, and key values: preservation of history, culture, language; all encapsulated into …show more content…

173 &174). Few examples of an epics are, “The Week the World Heard Gallaudet” was one of the most significant historical events within Deaf Culture. All presidents have been hearing since Gallaudet University opened its doors in 1864. The students wanted to change, they wanted a deaf president (pg. 169). Three qualified candidates considered for presidency of Gallaudet; 2 Deaf, 1 Hearing. The board decided that Elizabeth Zinser would be Gallaudet’s 7th President. After the students