Death And Rebirth In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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Plato’s Allegory of the cave represents life/death/rebirth. Life/death/rebirth is a popular archetype that most authors use in fictional books. Plato’s Allegory of the cave begins with people that are locked in chains inside of a cave. The people inside the cave see shadows on the wall of animals and creatures that they think represents their life. This cave is an illusion of life that the people are experiencing. The people who are chained up get set free by the keeper, who is a symbol of the sun, or the “Rooster” who wakes people up from their illusions. The people are blinded by the sun and they want to go back to their illusion of life. This is when the people are in the Belly of the Whale or when they are symbolically dead. Once the people realize there is no way of going back to the way it was, they are “reborn” from their illusions and live their lives to the fullest and not take for granted what they have. Plato’s Allegory of the cave is …show more content…

This is their illusion of life. As long as Matt and Louisa keep it a secret it is immature and naive. When Matt and Louisa go to the circus, under the oak tree, Matt blindfolds Louisa, which is a symbol that they don’t know where they are going. In Plato’s Allegory when the people are chained in the cave, it is the only life they know. This is their illusion of life because they have never known another way. In The Maypole of Merry Mount the colonists think that they can dance around the maypole and party all day. This is their illusion of life. All of these illusions have one thing in common: all of their illusions of life have faults. The colonists can’t party all day, they have to work, and the people in the cave will be soon let out. Matt and Louisa’s parents will eventually find out they are dating. This is why their illusions of life are illusions, they won’t last