Death Camps Vs Labor Camps Essay

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Labor and Death I will be talking about the similarities and differences of death camps and labor camps. The death camp is used for killing Jews and gypsies. The labor camps are for the strong and healthy people go to work. Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka were the only death camps created. The labor camps were Dachau, Flossenburg, Gross-Rosen, and many more. I’ll start with the differences of the camps. The people that went to death camps were handicapped, old, women, and young children. They would die immediately when they get there or waited a few days to get killed. The people that went to the labor camps were the fit and healthy. Those included mostly men and women and older teens. They …show more content…

So the more of the people they had they would build more camps. When these camps got full they would start murdering them for no reason. Another way they killed the jews were with gas vans which were used for gassing them. They would pach the van full of people and drop the pebbles in and it would suffocate them. Then they would make the other people still alive dig massive graves so that they can just dump the bodies into it and then they would have to bury them. Some were left unburied if the camp was in a rush to do something. The death camps had barracks people would stay there until it was time for them to get gassed. Though they thought there all think there going to get a shower. So they would take all of their clothes off and line up. After they all were piled and packed in a underground bunker the soldiers shut and locked the doors from the outside. Then on the top there were holes where the soldiers would pour the pebbles down into the bunker. During when this is happening the other prisoners are taking the belongings of all the people that were just gassed and are sorting them out. There were huge piles of shoes, hair, suitcases, glasses,

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