Compare And Contrast An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge And A Communication From Archy The Cockroach

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In Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” he tells a story of a man dream of escape who has been sent to death for doing the right thing for the wrong side. In Marquis’s “A Communication from Archy the Cockroach,” he tells the story of s cockroach running into a group of moths electrocuting themselves for the pleasure and excitement of death. “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” and “A Communication from Archy the Cockroach” both explore death and happiness over life and sadness. This idea is seen in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge depiction the man unable to fight in a war and must do what he thinks is right as a citizen, also seen in A Communication from Archy the Cockroach when Archy comes across moths trying to electrocute themselves …show more content…

It’s clear what the crime was that the man Peyton Farquhar was trying to burn down the Owl Creek Bridge but what's more important is what's behind the crime why did Farquhar do what he did and that is more important in the context of the punishment. We learned in part two “no service was too humble for him to perform in aid of the South, no adventure too perilous for him to undertake if consistent with the character of a civilian who was at hearing a soldier, and who in good faith and without too much qualification assent to at least a part of the frankly villainous dictum that all is fair in love and war” (Bierce pg 189). This quote gives us a lot of important information that without it we would think very differently about the punishment of Farquhar. Farquhar crime of trying to destroy Owl Creek bridge is not a crime will the full intent of evil and harm, although that would be the end result of his actions if they went through it's clear from the quote that Farquhar was a man trying to do what he could in a time of need. Now to putting the crime into picture with the punishment “The man’s hands were behind his back, the wrist bound with a cord. A rope closely encircled his neck” (Bierce pg 189). Farquhar was going to be hung for his crime and although it looked like I defended his actions I don’t defend the punishment, all I am saying is when a man …show more content…

And it's clear for “A Communication from Archy the Cockroach” and “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” that the answer to that question is no. Looking first at “A Communication from Archy the Cockroach,” asking the question is the crime worth the punishment for this text, I would say yes. The only reason I say this is because of one thing and only one thing that matters in both text and that is context. We see these moths only from the view of a completely different insect (person) a cockroach Archy who says himself “I don't agree with him myself I would rather have half the happiness and twice the longevity” (Marquis 47-40). Although this is what most people from the outside would say it's because we aren’t the moths, we aren’t experiencing what the months experience the context of these mothers lives is important to why death is actually an option for them. Having these moths live a long and routine boring life would be terrible and of course they would trade that for a short life with a short amount of happiness, like pain and suffering the expression “rip the band-aid off” most people would want a short amount of extreme pain than a long amount of moderate pain because people know what that pain feels like, it’s only until you look into the context of things that can you judge others. Now looking at “An