Death In Julius Caesar's Et Tu, Brute?

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"Et tu, Brute?", that is what Caesar asked Brutus when he was assassinated. In one of Shakespeare's plays, Julius Caesar, Caesar was assassinated by one of his friends, Brutus. This happened because Caesar´s cockyness alowed him to fall into the senate's plan to assassinate him. Caesar also had a very loyal friend, Atony, that offered him the crown three times, but Caesar rejected the crown all three times. Caesar also had a beautiful wife, Calpurnia, who wanted him to stay home and not go to the meeting at the senate house on march 15th. To show he does not fear superstitions Caesar listens to a soothsayer. The soothsayer says beware the ides of march. Caesar tells his men that he is just a dreamer and send him by. His wife had a dream of

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