The Theme Of Death In The Odyssey

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Death, and how to confront it, has been the subject of debate throughout history. Some, like poet T’ao Ch’ien, have encouraged mankind to approach death with “as little fuss as you can (276 Ch’ien),” a perspective shared by the works The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of man’s most ancient literary works, demigod Gilgamesh attempts to thwart his oncoming death by pursuing everlasting life. In The Odyssey, written by Homer, Odysseus, hero of the Trojan war, embarks on a voyage in which he gains insight on death. Gilgamesh and Odysseus develop fluctuating notions on their unavoidable end of life, evident in their approach to the temptation of immortality, their pursuit of a legacy, and their acceptance of the …show more content…

. . Shall [Man] alone escape this law ? / Fortuitously appearing for a moment in the World / He suddenly departs, never to return . . . When you can get wine, be sure to drink it.” Both Siduri and Substance say that one should realize how little time we have, and that it must be spent well. Utnapishtim, a previous mortal granted immortality, advises Gilgamesh that “when the [gods] come together . . . life and death they allot but the day of death they do not disclose (16 1970).” The immortal’s words convey his belief in the notion that the ability to control any aspect of death is only in control of the gods. As the two had previously advised, Gilgamesh retires to cherishing the life he has been granted, finally accepting his mortality. Although immortality is not a prominent theme in The Odyssey, Odysseus’s interaction with it is incredibly important for the story. Imprisoned by Calypso on her island, Odysseus is offered to “be immortal (Homer V. 218)” in exchange for spending the rest of his life away from his home with her. He denies the offer, stating “I long for home, long for the sight of home (Homer V. 229).” Unlike Gilgamesh, Odysseus is clearly uninterested in immortality, and would much rather spend time with his