Death Of A Salesman And The Metamorphosis Analysis

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Compare and contrast the endings of “Death of a Salesman” and “The Metamorphosis”.
Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” both use endings as a way to convey pity and criticize capitalist society, however the methods in which these two writers evoke pity and criticisms differs. Although both the protagonists commit suicide in the end of the stories and in a way release their families, in “Death of a Salesman” Willy is not forgotten by his family whereas in “The Metamorphosis” Gregor is forgotten. The ideas of freedom in both of these texts is conveyed similarly as freedom from debt and entrapment.
In both of these texts the endings evoke an emotion of pity towards Willy and Gregor because of their sacrifices. Part of the pity is evoked during the funeral of Willy and almost no one showed up. Besides simply being sad for the fact that a man died nearly alone, this also connects to the idea that Willy Loman was a man whose name “was never in the paper”. This idea comments that the lower classes do not receive attention when in reality “attention must be paid”. Linda says this to Biff and Happy who both have been blind to Willy’s situation which is a reflection of the upper classes’ blindness towards the situation of the lowers classes. In addition the repetition of this line as well as the double “attention” and the addition of the word “finally” in the final utterance of the line all add significance to the urgency of the message that