Death Of A Salesman Monologue Analysis

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I hear Willy outside, I question his early arrival with agitation. Could it be the that he has crashed the car once again? I call out to Willy and ask why he has arrived early. As Willy enters the house he responds with the usual exhausted voice, he must be tired. Willy tells me that his arrival was due to troubles with the car. I disagree with him explaining it may be the steering wheel of the car or simply his glasses. I try to persuade Willy that it may have been everything other than his own fault, providing him comfort. Willy rejects every reasoning for his trouble so i simply resign. Willy explains that he could 've killed someone with his reckless driving. I didn 't want to upset him any longer so I simply suggested he lay down and …show more content…

I implore Willy to talk to his boss, Howard, to permit him to work in New York City rather than traveling throughout New England. Willy, encouraged, exclaims how he will indeed have a talk with Howard. Pleased with conversation i happily tell Willy that the boys have reunited. Willy does not seem to think the same way I do. Willy touches on the subject of Biff not finding himself and at his age he should be able to find himself and if Biff has not it was nothing but pure laziness. I ask Willy with infinite patience to not contradict Biff in such a way. I succeed in convincing Willy that a Biff is just a very lost soul at the moment. finite patience to not contradict Biff in such a way. I succeed in convince him that a buff is just very lost. Willy tells me he will talk to biff in the morning. I tell Willy that if it nice and warm Sunday we could perhaps go on a stroll and open up the windows of the car. Willy responds to me with a confusing reply, that the windows do not open. I see it coming, Willy is beginning to shift into his own world, once again. I leave Willy in the world he has accustomed to. I return searching for Willy in the kitchen, i see Willy he insists on going for a walk. Biff comes down, i shush him, he could disturb