
Death Of Maggie By Alice Walker

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I think the sections which were most important to this literature was the beginning when Maggie’s father died. “The father had not moved, but lay in the same death-like sleep. The mother writhed in uneasy slumber, her chest wheezing as if she were in the agonies of strangulation.” (Maggie). The other scene that was equally important was the end when Maggie died. “"Well," said he, "Mag's dead." "What?" said the woman, her mouth filled with bread. "Mag's dead," repeated the man.” (Maggie). In the beginning of the literature I noticed all of Maggie’s family members were very hostile except her. Maggie was the only calm one of the family. As the story progressed I noticed the death of both Maggie and the father had one thing in common, the mother
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