Death Penalty Cost Less Than Life In Prison Without Parole

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When it comes to the topic of the death penalty being cost effective, some of us will readily agree that the death penalty is cheaper than sentencing a convicted murders to life in prison without parole. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of does the death penalty really cost less than life in prison without parole. Whereas some are convinced that it is cheaper to give the prisoner life in prison without parole, others maintain that it is cheaper to give the prisoner the death penalty. My own view is that it’s cheaper to sentence them to life without parole because they don’t have to pay lawyers, cost for executing the prisoner, and cost of the case.
Some people think that the cost of the death penalty is so expensive per case. Most opponents present as fact, that the cost of the death penalty is so expensive at least $2 million per case. According to Dudley Sharp, reporter of in his article, Does the Death Penalty Cost Less Than Life in Prison without Parole, “There is no question that the upfront cost of the death penalty are significantly higher than for equivalent life without parole …show more content…

The process is needed to ensure that the innocent men and woman are not executed for crimes they did not commit, and even if those protections the risk of executing an innocent person can not be complete eliminated. According to the reporter of working for alternative to the death penalty, in the article The High Cost of the Death Penalty, “If the death penalty was replaced with a sentence of life without the possibility of parole”, (1). Basically the reporter is stating that it will cost millions of dollars less and ensure that the public will be protected while trying to eliminating the risks of irreversible mistake with money when the money could be used on