
Death Penalty: Should We Kill The Killing Policy?

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Should We Kill the Killing Policy?

Since 1976 474 inmates have been executed in Texas alone (as of october 2017). There is a great dispute on whether the deaths of these individuals and the many like them have been justified or not. Although every person has different thoughts on the death penalty there are two major standings: the death penalty should be kept intact and the death penalty should be abolished.

Pro Death Penalty

One of the popular opinions is that the Death Penalty benefits humanity and helps keep balance. Those who support the death penalty argue that it prevents repeat crimes, gives families justice, punishes individuals for committing crimes of their free will, and filters the worst of humanity out. Whether their reasoning …show more content…

In conclusion, keeping the death penalty would greatly benefit society and the innocent lives living in it.

Against the Death Penalty

Despite the sound reasoning of those who are pro death penalty, it does not prevent the opposing side from sticking by their reasonings. So on the other hand, those who are against the death penalty feel it isn't as effective as other options, when the state kills it puts guilt on all of us, homicide rates increase after executions, and it has various mental effects on those involved. Similar to the latter how sound the reasoning is of those with this opinion can be argued.

It is found that in a majority of homicides the killer will kill themselves after the crime. This means when a person kills an individual they are not fearing death, so what benefit is there to killing them? If they are already willing to kill themselves after they commit their crime that means they do not fear death. Keeping that in consideration how effective can threatening them with death be? Instead, a lifetime in prison or some other option could be a more effective …show more content…

This means the death penalty is having the opposite of its intended effect. Killing promotes more killing, so when people see “the state” carrying out violence it just inspires more violence. There is no way of knowing whether the spike is due to rebellion or something completely different ,but either way it just proves the death penalty is not as effective as it should be. To kill a person would result in extreme mental strain regardless of if the person deserves it or not. A lot of time is spent focusing on those who receive the death penalty ,but those who help with the process are just as important and valuable. Many individuals involved in the death penalty have to deal with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) after they assist in ending a life even though in some cases they have no choice. It is important to consider the lives that are greatly altered in this process even though they are often forgotten.

The death penalty brings extreme stress on society, by eliminating it there would be a great weight lifted off of societies back. Those who are against the death penalty believe it is wrong because it isn't very effective in its cause, it puts guilt on the entire state, has the reverse effect, and it causes a mental strain on those who participate in

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