Death With Dignity: An Argument Against Euthanasia

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Julie has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness and she has been given less than six months to live. Although, Julie will suffer greatly for the rest of her life, some states refuse to legalize a law that would give her a choice of what she would prefer to do next. Denial of a person’s right to choose what they want to do next in their life is a denial of their freedom of choice.Death with Dignity is a law that deals with people that are over the age of eighteen, who are diagnosed with a terminal illness. This terminal illness must be an illness that is guaranteed to kill them, and they must be given six months or less to live. While they are dying, they are going to go through a lot of pain and suffering. While they are suffering, doctor’s are going to give them pain medication to keep them comfortable. Death with Dignity, which is often referred to as euthanasia, has been a subject that has been talked about in many parts of the United States. Euthanasia gives a peace of mind to the patients and families that terminal illness has affected. Five states have made Death with Dignity legal: Oregon, Washington, Montana, California, and Vermont (Is the Oregon). Death with Dignity should be legal in all fifty states. …show more content…

Freedom of choice is “ the right to exercise one 's freedoms in any manner one may choose except where such act may obstruct or prevent others from exercising their freedoms, put oneself or others in danger, or exceeds a statutory limit” (What is Freedom). Euthanasia is just another option that a person can choose to end their life. It is a person’s right to decide, if they have that choice, how and when they would like to die. When you take that right away from someone, you are violating their right to freedom of