Deviation In The Chrysalids

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The novel shows a place called Waknuk where people beliefs are to rebuild ‘Old People’ world, after the nuclear holocaust that ruined their civilization; however, these beliefs, principles are strict, they based on a thing called “true image” and are made to punish the blasphemies by exclude or exterminate them. “Only God produces perfection, so although deviations may look like us in many ways, they cannot be really human. They are something quite different’’(Wyndham 77). First, Aunt Harriet wanted to switch her baby with Petra, Emily Strorm 's daughter to have the Normalcy Certification from the inspectors. She didn’t want her baby to die or to be sent to the Fringes but what she received from her sister was isolation (Wyndham 71). “So there has been a Deviation; and deviation, any deviation from the true image is blasphemy - no less. You have produced a defilement.” Due to the laws, people had to report to the governor if they see anyone or anything is deviation, so in Waknuk, discrimination is always happening.(Wyndham 72). Likely, this also shown the principles in Waknuk have blinded the people terribly, people always think it is the punishment from God toward them but actually it is not. People in Waknuk are punished each other as well as from the belief spills of the “Old People” have left, however, these principles made the Waknuk society fall. Therefore, people in Waknuk should have acceptance to deviation and mutant people rather than send to the Fringes or kill them because they could lose talented people that could rise their …show more content…

And you find out some strange, disturbing things. They all have pretty much the same legends of the ‘Old People’ as we have - how they could fly, how they used to build cities that floated on the sea, how any one of them could speak to any other, even hundreds of miles away, and so on. But what’s more worrying is that most of them - whether they have seven fingers, or four arms, or hair all over, or six breasts, or whatever it is that’s wrong with them - think that their type is the true pattern of the ‘Old People’, and anything different is a Deviation”.(Wyndham 6). “Living in Waknuk is same as living in a room with religion beliefs surround instead of windows and door, which mean people in Waknuk are unable to learn new things as well as unite with other district to survive the Tribulation” (Wyndham 5). “Waknuk people was having a great opportunity to use telepathy group and communicates with other district to survive the coming-up disaster but what they did is torture the telepathy group instead of using them and connect with others” (Wyndham