Deception In The Great Gatsby

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As we are in the data era, technology and SNS have become a big part of society’s everyday existence. Social Media in particular has made it possible for us to curate our lives and create an illusion of perfection. “Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.” (Criss Jami, 20xx). These false pretenses are deceptive and destructive as society’s comparative culture is strong. If not done carefully, this could lead to the ultimate downfall of society’s genuity. The same effect can be seen in Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and Tennessee Williams's “A Streetcar Named Desire”. The Great …show more content…

In "The Great Gatsby", Gatsby engages in a relationship with a married woman, Daisy. Although he himself is not doing the cheating, he encourages it with daisy. Other characters in the novel also engage in the same deceptive behaviour. Tom, Daisy's husband, also engaged in a not-so-secretive affair with Myrtle. Myrtle is ale to u married woman. By being with Tom, she too was committing an act of infidelity against her husband Wilson. On top of all this, at the end of the novel readers discover that Jordan has a fiance. Gatsby encourages this deceptive behaviour in Daisy because he wants things with her to be the way they were 5 years ago. Tom is unfaithful to Daisy due to his selfishness. As a rich man with a lot of free time he cheats on his wife and mother of his child simply because he is bored. In the end, their acts of infidelity lead to their ultimate downfall. “...Gatsby's eyes floated toward her. ‘Ah,’ she cried, ‘you look so cool.’ Their eyes met, and they starred together at each other, alone in space. With an effort she glanced down at the …show more content…

She had told him that she loved him, and Tom Buchanan saw.” Daisy’s and Gatsby’s desire for eachother is so strong and evident that you can just tell by the way they look at eachother. It was so strong in fact that with a couple words and gaze Tom was able to discover their affair which lead to the tragic happenings later in the story and ultimately their downfall. Infidelity is also evident in a streetcar named desire. Although, unlike the characters in "The Great Gatsby", the act of infidelity is less obvious. Characters like Blanche merely demonstrate her ability to cheat if she wanted to. Stanley, however, does commit an outward act of adultery. When Stella was in the hospital giving birth to their child, Stanley raped Blanche. It was also evident that infidelity is a theme in this play when Eunice accused Steve of cheating. In order for her to make such an accusation he must have done something to break the trust, showing that it was not the first time something like this happened. Blanche also kisses the delivery boy knowing that Mitch is on the way. Kissing the delivery boy is a very risky and self-destructive move on Blanche’s part. It can be said that despite her high chances of getting caught Blache kissed the delivery boy so she could prove to herself that she is still desirable. As Blanche gets older, she becomes less capable of dealing with the notion that one will become less desirable to young men. As a consequence,