Decision Making Age

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Tamid El Zein
Joelle Jaber
Decision Making and Age
Cognitive Psychology Research

In this study, the influence of age on decision making processes was assessed by a 21 item decision making questionnaire. They were grouped into 7 independent dimensions labeled as following: control, hesitancy, instinctiveness, thoroughness, social resistance, optimality and principality. The DMQ was administered to 94 participants from two separate age groups: 18-25 and 26-55. The statistical analysis revealed significant findings on two sub-scales that are control and thoroughness

keywords: Decision making, Age, Decision tasks, Decision processes, Dimensions

Decision making is one of the most complicated processes of the human …show more content…

The dimensions were labeled as following: Hesitancy (3 items), control (5 items), thoroughness (4 items), social resistance (3 items), instinctiveness (2 items), optimality (2 items) and principality (2 items). Each item was rated on a 6-point scale, ranging from 1= very infrequently to 6 = very frequently. The DMQ is based on the naturalistic decision making approach because it aims to assess the importance allocated to the dimensions of the decisions made in the real-world setting (Lizárraga et al, …show more content…

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