Decision Making In John Updike's 'A & P'

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Stereotypically, decision-making is an essential practice for the young people. However, many times young adults make decisions using the wrong criteria. John Updike, the author of A&P short story brings out the clear nature of the intolerant behavior of young adults through an educative literary piece. Updike’s story captures the mind and numerous teachings concerning decision-making especially to the young adults. Decisions shape the life of people who make and implement them overtime. Whereas the right decisions channel someone’s life into the right ways, wrong decisions are bound to misdirect . Updike’s short story “A&P” concentrates on the choices that the young people make including the criteria that they use in making their decisions through four major characters, Sammy, and the three young women. Updike views choices as products of circumstances following how Sammy’s decisions leads him to failure as he focuses more on the girls and less on the important things in life. Elaborately, Sammy’s decision to resign was influenced by the situation that came into place at his workplace. After witnessing the three girls walked their bath suits, Sammy seemed to have no choice other than to resign under unclear circumstances irrespective of the manager’s warning that his parents will regret. Updike views Sammy as someone who does not calculate his moves effectively and predicting the …show more content…

Life has much for the young people that making wrong decisions may cost them heavily. Updike gives worthwhile lessons to young people through “A&P” short story. As the story begins, the author seems to be concentrating on the physique of the girls until late in the story that he reveals the main motive of the story through specific characters as examined in this