Declaration Of Independence Essay

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The Declaration of Independence is the foundation that the United States of America is built on, and it gives freedom to have the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all American citizens. While all three of these rights hold great importance, the one that means the most to me is the right to life. When God created humans, the first thing that he gave us was life, and without that life that he gave us, we would not have the opportunity to have liberty or find happiness. Having life also gives us the opportunity to do what God originally intended for us to do; bring glory and honor to him. God doesn’t promise us freedom or happiness, and He also doesn’t always promise us life. It is a gift from Him, and we have the responsibility to use that gift to live for Him and to bring glory to His name. …show more content…

3:16). The ultimate gift that God gives the people that follow Him is not eternal liberty or eternal happiness, it is eternal life. That’s because the way that humans glorify God is through their life and what they do with it, not through their happiness or liberty. Another reason that I think the right to life is the most important right is because in Leviticus 24:17 God says, “Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death” (ESV, 2011, Lev. 24:17). God holds the right to life at such a high level that He says that anyone who takes the life of another human being shall endure the ultimate penalty of death. Since God considers life as so important, shouldn’t we as well? While liberty and the pursuit of happiness are incredibly important rights that the Declaration of Independence provide, the right to life is by far more important because it allows us as humans to be called by God and to bring glory and honor to Him throughout the extent of our