Declaration Of Independence Principles

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I believe the Declaration of Independence does uphold the principles most of the time. I say this because there 's some things that have happened, or is happening, which causes it to not uphold it all the time. Most of the time it does hold up, with having laws and other things. “All men are created equal.” is a principle of the Declaration. That is right most of the time, but there are a few reasons why it isn’t the rest of the time. People are not all the time treated equally, and because of this, a protest called Black Lives Matter has formed. They believe racism is still a thing, which it can be in some situations, from on accident or if people just believe it that way. Football players also started kneeling during the National Anthem because of racism. …show more content…

People will be racist and say things that they believe about another person 's religion. For example, some people say things about Muslims because of their religion and race, and what they have done in the past. Some could be completely harmless and people would say rude things to them, or people could be nice. People are not always treated equally, which is why I said the principles of the Declaration of Independence holds up most of the time. It could be from race, religion, or anything else. People will kneel in the NFL during the National Anthem because of racism, and Black Lives Matter. Muslims might be getting told rude things because of their religion or