Declaration Of Independence Purpose

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July 4, 1776. The declaration of independence was signed and represented America united as one, defining the values and freedom of Americans. The sole purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to acknowledge the thirteen colonies of America free and independent of Great Britain. Not only did Jefferson affirm independence from Britain, he also included reasoning why America should be allowed to do so. Making it one of the most significant documents in US history, as it was the beginning of opening doors to the people of America and future generations. Thomas Jefferson was appointed to write such declaration to the King, but like any important document, there was a rough draft before the final document was published. Jefferson completed …show more content…

Jefferson stated why the thirteen colonies deserved independence from Great Britain, when a government becomes “destructive”, and counterproductive to its people, it is the right of the people “to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government” when a government repeatedly neglects the rights of, Life, Liberty and the Purist of Happiness entirely, it then becomes the right of the people “to throw off such a government”1 with a focus on the King's attempts to sabotage the government of the colonies along with the fright of war that had been stricken on the colonists, by taking citizens of the US captive to bear arms against their country. Jefferson states the colonies “free and Independent states; that they are dissolved from allegiance to the British Crown” sending a powerful message to Britain that the 13 colonies are going to fight for their …show more content…

Jefferson included these rights stating that everyone has the right to happiness, more specifically able to pursuit it. Every man is able to make of themselves what they desire and is able to make it a reality here in America. A nation where many cultures and individuals come together in hope of achieving The American Dream of having an opportunity regardless of social class, without having a government to hold them back. Having included these rights in the declaration, many other countries were influenced by having this way of life. These three terms; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness, express what it means to be an American. Coming from a family of immigrant’s I’ve experienced this myself. My family knew of a place full of opportunity and would do whatever it took to be a part of it, to have a taste of what these inalienable rights can do for a person. Jefferson’s delicate choice of words is what the people of the 18th century and present time have hope