Decriminalization In Canada Essay

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The decriminalization of homosexuality was a major milestone in Canadian history showing the LGBT community in a more positive light. Since the beginning of “Confederation, in 1867, homosexuality was punishable under Canada's criminal law by up to 14 years in prison”.This law was changed by the Trudeau Government making it legal for consenting adults over the age of 21 to participate in a homsexual relationship. The changing of this law created more equality for LGBT members. It also gave them a sense of pride making them able to feel proud of who they are. It also reduced the amount of fear within the community making hiding who they are a burden they no longer have to carry. The decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada in 1969 facilitated …show more content…

With homosexuality being decriminalized people were able to pursue jobs and relationships without the fear of discrimination or incarceration. They were able to walk around in public with their partner and live together without worrying about getting arrested. Before the law was changed it was illegal to be in a homosexual relationship and anyone who was could be incarcerated for up to 14 years. The changing of the law eventually lead to the legalization of same sex marriage in Canada on July 20, 2005. The freedom they got with the changing of the law allowed many members of the LGBT community to purse jobs they normally would have avoid. Before the law was changed they would have to hide the fact that they were gay or risk serious consequences. The current premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne is a great example of not letting sexuality stop you from pursue a career because she is openly lesbian proving that sexuality cannot hold you back from the job you want. Many members of the LGBT community now work in many different and sometimes pubic jobs. Some members of the community are politicians like Kathleen Wynne or police officers some are even members of the armed