Deep River Otsu Quotes

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Otsu’s beliefs align with Yevgeny Zamyatin’s quote “if we have no heretics we must invent them, for heresy is essential to health and growth.” His interpretation is that all living things are created equal and that, essentially, all religions correspond with one another to maintain a healthy and productive environment. This understanding is the basis of his heretic beliefs. Although there were moments where his faith faltered throughout the novel “Deep River” by Shusaku Endo, all in all, Otsu was very steadfast in his beliefs. Otsu’s heretics are further proven when he said “I don’t think God is someone to be looked up to as a being separate from man, the way you regard him. I think he is within man, and that he is a great life force that …show more content…

I don’t think god exists exclusively in the churches and chapels of Europe. I think he is also among the Jews and the Buddhists and the Hindus” (121). Otsu desires to live a life of selfless sacrifice for others, which his former lover, Mitsuko believes to be a great waste of time. She is constantly seeking out Otsu throughout the story even though she is unsure of what it she is looking for she is searching for God which in the end brings love. Otsu symbolizes a belief that everyone is unified. He believes in coupling together all faiths and caring for all mankind, producing an enormous amount of love, respect, and understanding for eachother.
 Even though he is constantly berated for his heretics Otsu never truly denies his faith and still maintains a strong belief in God. While talking with Mitsuko he decides to tell her he dedicated his existence to chasing one thing and one thing only: “the love of that onion”(119). Otsu eventually is called to India at the river Ganges which is a very sacred spot for Hindus. It is where they travel before they die in hopes of having their ashes scattered into the sacred river. Otsu goes here to sacrifice himself in order to help people make the dying journey even going so far as to carry those who cannot walk

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