Defending Students With Guns In Schools Essay

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Should we have teachers defending our students with firearms? In recent times our schools have been shot up from citizens. And we are are stuck on how is the best way to defend the students. I will be showing you so information and my opinion on the matter.

The first part is the bully in the school grounds, the teachers should be more involved so the people that are getting bullied can get help when it happens and not when they have no hope to live. Cause those people can get you since you are not trying to help them they will do something bad. So the staff and students need to work more on the point and not say hey help with bullying and stop there. If the school is happy the students will do more work cause the people around them are working and a positive soul.

The second part is the safety of the schools. Recent there's been a school shooting once every 2-3 weeks, which means there will be a …show more content…

The reason why i mention this cause college allows the students to bring it and they have as much school shootings as a high school does. But this could be risking more lifes. I don't think they should do this for the high school level but they should keep it at a college level cause those people at that level choice to be there. The fourth part is that should teacher hold guns. There's been a recent idea that teachers should hold guns so the criminal can be scared to shoot up the place. The a example banks have people with guns and they don't have a lot of people trying to shoot it up. But if this pass that means the teacher needs to take another class to know how the use the gun and make sure they dont use it for the wrong cause. The reason why they need to go in a class and learn these things cause a teacher form a school had a gun and shoot it and scared the students. So when they dont have the right mindset the students life once again get there life in