Define Organized Crime Essay

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Organized crime is a part of the United States of America. Gangs and violence will always be aspects of living in this free country. However, defining the term organized crime is difficult to say the least. There are many different definitions of this particular term for many different reasons. Understanding the fact that there is a problem with finding or inventing an accurate definition of organized crime is the first step. Therefore, the term organized and the term crime do correlate when dealing with violence in this world, but when you have both terms in the same crime can it be defined? The question of will there ever be a defining definition of organized crime is what I have researched. While conducting this research I have more questions than when I started. …show more content…

According to the book, Organized crime, Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance Howard Abadinsky believes there are eight characteristics that constitute organized crime. Consequently, developing a defining definition still hasn’t arrived. One particular argument was that organized crime is a group of individuals with hierarchical structure as well as the willingness to commit violent acts on the public. ( However, some may argue the fact that crime does not necessarily have to be an act of violence. Furthermore, the need for a definitive definition of such a broad term is apparently wanted in ways of the judicial system as well as researchers. Scientist argue that the definition is needed for legal purposes as well as research purposes. ( 13) If there isn’t a definitive definition of this particular term, how can we hold those accountable for the crimes that are labeled

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