Definition Essay About Being A Hero

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Hero’s aren’t Invisible I have only ever seen hero’s in movies and have never really thought about what a real hero is to me. Is it the teacher who helped me the most throughout high school, and help me succeed? Is it my mom who has always been there for me no matter what, through thick and thin? Is it the men and woman who are sworn to protect this country with their lives? Well the most important hero in my life would have to be Brianna Cox. Being a hero doesn’t mean you have to be strong are that you save the universe. Being a hero is someone who is not afraid to do things for other people even though it can be difficult. T.V. shows and movies are so dramatized that all the hero’s in them have to be like a “God” or like superman. The hero has to have a skill that is to be praised over and not really even real at all. Brianna was real she was always there for me when I needed a friend. I knew she and I would be best friends for ever because she was my hero. It’s like as if she could fly just like superman I would call her after having a bad day and she would be right over just to talk. A hero is a person who sacrifices to do things to …show more content…

But we also possess an inner hero; if stirred to action, that inner hero is capable of performing tremendous goodness for others.” (Zimbardo) My best friend Brianna has always been there for me, I have seen her make many sacrifices in her life. She has given up a lot of her time to show compassion my way because she knew I needed it. She would always tell me to come over to her house just to talk, and we would talk for hours on end. Like every hero she strives for the people, well in this case her best friend. She has dedicated hours upon hours that I were always to be the best I could be even if she couldn’t. Brianna is my hero because she is always pushing me to do my best in everything I have ever

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