Definition Essay About Being Selfish

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Every day we make hundreds of choices, and we would be shocked to learn how many of them choices were made by selfish reasoning. As a child I remember being told I was selfish because I did not like to share my toys. I didn’t think it was wrong because I simply did not want my toys broken. As I got older, I started to associate selfishness to someone who did not share what they had or only looked out for themselves. When I moved out and started living on my own and experienced life through my own eyes, I started to think of selfishness, of having a whole other meaning. I believe selfishness is the mental capacity someone or something; such as an animal, of having the thought and or action to achieve their own happiness or personal gain in life. I believe that to be the true definition of selfishness. It plays a major role in are professional, private, and intimate lives. …show more content…

We want to achieve success, provide for are families, by maintaining a good job. While none of that I mentioned sounds bad; there is still selfishness motives behind it all. Truth of the matter is even healthy wants can be selfish. Wanting to achieve success in a career by obtaining a higher position by competing with others that all want the same role is still selfish because it’s the individuals trying to achieve personal gain without disregard to anyone else. I’ve seen in the work field people try to sneak behind each other’s back to try to obtain a new position when the one person who truly deserves it don’t receive the job. It’s selfish but at the same time it’s a job and most people know a lot of jobs are

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