Definition Essay About Failure

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Failure The word failure has always had a negative connotation. Every time someone has been told that they are a “failure”, they become negative and their self-esteem goes down. People shouldn’t be afraid of the word failure. Failure can be a good thing. It can be a good thing because then people can learn from their mistakes. In addition, failure is a chance for people to rethink and come back stronger and with better reasoning. While others may believe that failure should be avoided, failure can often be a pathway to success. People need to stop believing that the word “failure” is such a bad thing. Many people have failed at least one time in their life. If they say that they haven’t, that is clearly a lie. No one is perfect. Everyone is bound to fail at some time in his or her life. When someone has failed, it shows that they are human, and they make mistakes. When a person fails, they are slowly going to get better. This is when practice comes along. In order to get better at something, they need to practice that certain subject constantly in …show more content…

Yes, people should learn from their mistakes and continue to try and succeed. But others believe that failure should be avoided by all costs. They believe that people will not be able to learn from their mistakes. They believe that once someone has failed in some scenarios it could fire back. And in the end someone will not be able to learn from their mistakes. Life does not always give second chances. Some people have not been fortunate when they have failed. For the people who disagree that failure is a good thing, they believe that when you fail you took a risk. An example would be that it is ok to fail in your early years of life, since you have many years ahead to make up for those mistakes and learn from them. But if they get to comfortable about making mistakes, when they are forty they will not be able to have as many chances to fix their

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