Definition Essay About Friendship

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Once two people introduce themselves and start to get to know each other a friendship can begin. Friendship is essential to life. The Bible has 115 verses on friendship and the importance of it. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” What makes a true friend and how can they sharpen one another? While there are many adjectives that could be used to describe a true friend, encouraging, challenging, and having fun together are some of the important. A true friend will be encouraging. The definition of encouragement is, the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. Friends will encourage friends when they are down or encourage one another on a job well done. Whether when working hard outside, working on a challenging school project, or when having a bad day, keep going and you can do it are words that will frequently come out of a friend’s mouth in those times. Hearing a friend put a down a friend is unthinkable. Thus a friend has a unique advantaged to encourage, support, and build confidence in their friends. …show more content…

Friends can challenge one another to do better and to do what is right. A friend can ask the hard questions in life. A friend has the ability to do that because they have built the friendship. They have spent time getting to know one another, to know their likes and dislikes, where they struggle and what makes them laugh. Because of time spent together, a friend can challenge a friend. Listening to a friend is easier than listening to a stranger or acquaintance. As a friend challenges a friend, they are able to learn from one

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