Definition Essay About My Name Brenda

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Throughout elementary, middle and high school, I always noticed that I was the only one with the name Brenda in my area. Brenda might be popular in other places but, growing up it wasn’t so common to find someone with my name. I found that my name was very unique when I was younger. With no one by the name Brenda, I had mixed feelings about it. However, over the years I came to realize that there were way too many people with the name Elizabeth, Brianna and Victoria in the world to become one of them. After doing much research on my name, I have found many meaning of my name, some of which I think totally describe be very well and some of them not so much. Also, throughout the research of my name, I found on many sites that my name was very popular in Ireland, Scotland in the 20th century that was according to Think My Baby Names. I have come to really enjoy being called Brenda. The actual dictionary meaning for Brenda is sword, and raven (‘Brenda’’, and that suits me very well. According to (‘Brenda’’) the …show more content…

Although, my siblings and I don’t have an African name, my second cousin does. I remember when I was in high school going to her naming ceremony. I didn’t understand what it was all about, except that her parents must have a lot of money to have a party for her name. I am not sure what her name Adasey means, but I know it’s Nigerian, and it must have been given to her after eight days of her birth. Some might ask me if I wish my parents had a naming ceremony for me, and if I wish I had a Nigerian name but to be honest I’m glad they did not have a naming ceremony for me because I feel like it is a waste of money. Also, I do not wish I was given a Nigerian name. Let’s say I was given a Nigerian name, many people would have a hard time pronouncing it and spelling it so I no. But to be clear I do love my culture and their

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