Definition Essay About Truth

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Truth can be defined as many different things. One could say truth is something that is not a lie. Truth can be described as something dealing with religion. Or truth can be defined as something that can be proven to be right. The truth the world needs to focus on, however, is a truth beyond a definition. It is a type of truth that philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Bacon have struggled to define. The way it can be defined as is something that is the way it is without any perceptions upon it. Humans used to have the ability to find the truth, but in present times we have lost that ability due to multiple factors: the media, our new-born stubbornness, and our fear of what we would find. The media has been blocking our ability to achieve the full truth since the time of the first newspaper. Media, such as Instagram, Facebook, TV broadcasts, books, newspapers, or the web and TV in general, is stopping us from achieving full truth. It hinders our ability to perceive and experience these things on our own forcing us only to see the topic from one point of view, the media’s. Some might say we can …show more content…

She has been a reporter and has done interviews with leaders, businesses and more. In her Ted Talk interview, Amanpour talked mostly about the dangers of fake news and how we need to be aware of what the press is doing. She said, “Really be careful where you get your information from” (Amanpour). This top-rated journalist has warned us about the dangers of the media and even tells us to be careful where our information comes from. This goes along with Julia Bacha’s Ted Talk, “Pay Attention to Nonviolence.” She said, “Imagine the power that big media players could have if they started covering the weekly nonviolent demonstrations” (Bacha). Bacha is implying that the media is only portraying what they want us to see, and hold so much influence on what we perceive, therefore blocking the

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