What is Beauty? Everyone has heard the word beauty before, seen beauty, been called a beauty, compared to beautiful, or wanted to be as beautiful as someone to meet some standard expectation of our society. Beauty to me is not physically seen in another human being. Too many definitions of the word beauty describe it as an immensely physical state of being. OED’s first definition of beauty is “The quality of a person (especially a women) which is highly pleasing to the sight; perceived physical perfection, attractive harmony of features or complexion, exceptional grace, elegance, or charm in appearance.” (“Beauty”) Perfection is demoralizing itself because certain flaws are necessary for the whole. Beauty is the feeling that comes from within …show more content…
Beauty is within each of us in all sorts of ways. For instance, when a man tells a woman that she is more beautiful than she believes herself to be, what I take from this is that he was trying to tell her that she is much more attractive than she believes herself to be. We get the notion that beauty is an exceptional form of attractiveness and that it is not instilled in everyone of us. Beauty is being raw, talented, elegant, bold, illuminating, peaceful, charismatic and authentic. Each one of these qualities provides an example of strong, undisguised and graceful beauty that comes from within and is instilled in us all in different ways depending on numerous things like your beliefs, family and …show more content…
The problem that I have with this is it leaves the normal average everyday person feeling as though they will never receive the amount of success that these women or men have. Results of this could be minor or life threatening acts such as anorexia or bulimia. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, the average woman is 5’ 4” tall and around 140 pounds and the average model is 5’ 11” tall and around 117 pounds (“Body Image”). Steroids are becoming more popular now days as well, making people who take them more muscular. They are becoming more popular because individuals see the effects they are making physically in their appearance. What they do not see is what they are doing to their bodies, underneath of the physical aspects such as; depression, loss of appetite and many more. Anabolic steroids are only supposed to be used as prescribed for a reason. The side effects can be life threatening, and it’s sad that the only reason they are being used is because they affect your physical appearance. Bodybuilders and models are often categorized as some of the most beautiful people in the world. When did the more muscular, the skinnier, the tanner, and the most flawless become the new beautiful? Distorting the word is making the word less valuable