“Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation” –George Washington. I find the quote to be satisfactory when compared to the dictionary definition of friendship, “the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends”. Friendship is an abstract concept to a degree, but it is definitively not a toxic or an otherwise generally crippling relation to another person. I strive to be the best friend I can be at all times, but on occasion I might miss a step or two. I do however, follow my definition of comradery to the best of my ability, and I have some great examples to show for it. I define friendship as a bond brimmed with mutual care, encouragement, …show more content…
To grow this flourishing flower of friendship one must have socialization, generosity, consideration. To begin with, mutual care is built with a level of socialization. I would prefer a friend of a fortnight that chats regularly to a friend since childhood who does not chat at all. To elaborate, friendship is a ladder, and one can take a step down over time back down to acquaintances. Another point of mutual care is generosity. To clarify, I do not mean that a good friend should jam any form of currency down another’s throat. One can be generous with their time, thoughts, strength, and advice. The slightest sliver of your time for another is one of the humblest gifts to give, but it can be a present that is taken for granted. Continuing, another point for mutual care is consideration. For instance, if the associate in question is apprehensive around reptilians, then an exotic animal emporium is not the best choice for a social call. Consideration lets the individual know that you remember, and remembering implies a care. Consideration can be simple like the annual “Happy Birthday!” when the time is right, or potentially offering a hand when they look like they could use one. Every act seems small, but they burn in memory and add up into a roaring flame inside of the individual’s memory. So, mutual care is based off of socialization, generosity, and …show more content…
To elucidate, I do not mean that the friendship in question should encourage individuals to jump off buildings, act on emotion, or to spiral down to their level. Encouragement is positive motivation, offering help, and showing emotion, so that their friend can rise beyond the planets, stars, wormholes, and heavens above. To start off, positive influence is almost completely self-explanatory. To be a positive influence is to be the best person you can. If you take good chances or explore healthy risks, then others will be inspired to do the same so that the cycle may continue. Another way that helps with positive influences, which in turn supports encouragement, is by offering help. Help is not always asked for, but can always be used. I must admit that I myself am guilty of never asking for help whenever I require the slightest form of assistance, which is most definitely a trait I picked up from my grandfather. However, I am always available to lend a hand to somebody else when need be, another trait I leeched from my grandfather. I can thank the second trait for helping me establish some friendships that I will know for a very long time, even if the act was small, people will think better of you for it. Lastly on the topic of encouragement, it is necessary to communicate with emotion within a plutonic bond as well as a romantic one. Again, this is an ability that I much improve on, but I am decent enough at it. When a friend is feeling as