Definition Essay Home

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Extended definition of home
When you think of the word home, what do you see? Most people think of a big green yard, a white picket fence, a red door leading into a large beautifully decorated foyer. When you think of home you picture the material items that you want most, the ideal place with everything you ever thought you needed in it. Materialistically, home is perfect. In fact, the dictionary defines home as “The place where one lives permanently”, but is that all that home means? Home is such a trivial word. It is so simple, but it means so many things to so many different people. To some, home is a geographical location, a place with coordinates and no feelings attached to it. But to most, home is a feeling. In the song “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, they sing the words “Home is wherever I’m with you”. This lyric shows how home is something intangible, and often times indescribable. Home is not something you can see, but it is something that you feel when you’re with someone or something that you love. You can feel it when you’re laughing with your best friend or when you hear the sound of your dad coming through the door after work. This is because home is not just one specific place, it is an array of favorite …show more content…

I find this etymology to be interesting because if you disregard the part about the radio signals the definition becomes “to be guided to a destination”. To me, this means that home is the destination that your heart guides you towards. This shows how the word home has developed into a word that means something much more abstract than it was originally intended for. Consider for a moment where your heart takes you when you’re lonely. For me, the destination I am guided to is not a place, but a person. It is sometimes my mom or my dad, but often times I go to my boyfriend because with him I am safe and I am