Definition Essay Home

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Home can be defined as many different things. The term needs to be defined because everyone has different opinions about it and as people grow older the term continues to evolve. My definition is quite different than the standard definition. The standard definition is “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household” (Google). Home to me is a place, person, or object that gives me the feeling of stability and comfort without judgement. When we were little we were told that our ‘home’ was a place where we lived. Once we grow older and experience more ‘home’ starts to evolve into many different aspects. When I was about seven years old and would think about what home was, I would describe a location and …show more content…

My bed would be the place I would turn to when I got into an argument with my boyfriend, or a huge fight with my best friend, or when my parents would ground me. My pillow and the comfort of my bed always made me feel better because it was a place where I could just cry and no one would bother me. Whenever my boyfriend at the time would get mad at me or break up with me that is where I turned to feel that comfort and stability. He would get mad at me for caring too much about him or not understanding what he was saying the first time around. Each moment he was angry at me I just wanted to be alone and go to my bed. Whenever my best friend at the time and I fought about a boy or just random stuff like borrowing her shirt without asking, I just wanted to go to the comfort of my bed. When I would get in trouble with my parents and they would ground me, all I was able to do was go to my room, and that is when I would turn to my bed for stability; to calm myself down and to get my head straight. Overtime my bed started to be my sweet spot I call a …show more content…

The environment at work gives me the feeling of comfortability when I am around my coworkers and customers. I work at Tilly’s which is a clothing place for young children, teens, and adults. It is a very upbeat and social place, it is always a fun time there. It’s a place where I can just be myself and help other people out with their style choices. I love helping people who want to change their style and be more with the hype. A lot of older women come in saying they want to dress younger and change their style and it is very fun picking out clothing and items for them to try on. It gives me joy helping other people out and making their day brighter. My work space is definitely a place where I can feel comfortable and

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