Definition Essay On Beauty

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What does beautiful mean today? According to Google, beauty is defined as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight”. I couldn’t help but notice that all qualities are physical traits. I took a look at our society, people, the messages being pawned from the media to people. It seems to me that people all around the world are following this apparent definition of beauty. Media is everywhere and anywhere. Everywhere I go, I see billboards promoting weight loss programs. Makeup stores promise to externally beautify you, fix your ugly, banish all your flaws. Name any imperfection, they have the solution. If you have dark skin, use foundation; thin lashes, use mascara; Acne …show more content…

“How to lose 10 kilograms”, “10 makeup essentials that are a MUST have!”. I was baffled by the messages portrayed in these magazines. Since when was makeup ‘essential’ and an absolute must-have? Inside the magazine, there were pictures of gorgeous females. Thin women with their faces filled with makeup, almost like there was no natural beauty showing. Looking at photoshopped pictures and their captions, the hidden message was “Look at all these beautiful people, this could be you if you use tons of makeup and lose weight”. I was bewildered that so many people look at these magazines. What if they let the message get to their head? The message that said that natural beauty isn’t good enough. Some people went as far as to receive plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is the process of reconstructing or altering parts of your body. Take a look at beauty icons and celebrities. So many celebrities underwent plastic surgery. Society and media encourage us to be the most ravishing we can be, by putting makeup and losing weight. Even the so-called ‘Natural look’ uses tons of makeup and isn’t at all effortless. There are numerous online tutorials on how to achieve a natural look, which is supposedly