Definition Essay On Godfather

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What is one thing that all Catholics and mobsters have in common? I can assure you, it is not an outstanding moral code or an impressive habit of always being well dressed. Instead, it is one influential man in their lives. It is the Godfather.
Over the years, the term Godfather has acquired many different definition. The word first came about in the 12th century,being used to name the male sponsor of a Catholic child at baptism. It didn't begin to receive recognition as being the name of a founder of a movement or a powerful leader, specifically in the Mafia, until mid 20th century. Even though it is odd to use the same name for people that seem so different, in every way, the Godfather is an influential role model in life or lives of a person or people. …show more content…

It was used at school. It was used at home. It was used when all my siblings were being baptized. For me, my Godfather is one of my uncles. For some other Catholic children, their Godfather could be a really close family friend or older cousin. In every situation, the Godfather, along with a godmother, is assigned to the child at baptism to lead them through life. According to one Merriam Webster definition, the Godfather is “a man who sponsors a person at baptism.” The role of The Godfather is to help the child they sponsor through life and help them overcome any moral struggles the face. In many cases, the Godfather is also the person the parents entrust their child with if anything were to happen to them. All in all, the Godfather is supposed to be a strong moral guide for the child as they go through life and are supposed to help keep them on the straight and narrow. This is quite different from the most recent definition of the

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