Definition Essay On Happiness

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In the dictionary, happiness is defined as “the state of being happy.” Although this definition doesn’t tell us much, we do know that being happy is something that most people wish for. In all walks of life people strive to achieve happiness. Happiness isn’t something that can be purchased or bought, even the most privileged and fortunate people can still be unhappy. Everyone defines this differently according to their own perspective and their personal enjoyments. Buying a new car or having lots of money can definitely contribute to your happiness, but it is more about relationships and pleasant experiences. Happiness is intangible, making it tough to determine if someone has it. Many times people put up a wall of false happiness to draw …show more content…

When someone is working to achieve their goals, it gives them a sense of purpose. Striving to reach a personal goal can test a person’s limits and push them to be their best. To each person, this desire might be different. Getting your dream job, or losing the weight you wanted are two examples of goals that might make one very happy. Working hard and putting in countless hours to achieve a goal can make someone happy when they accomplish it as well as along the way. Throughout life, personal achievements yield a lot of happiness. Big or small, goals give people a sense of direction, and determination which can both lead to a better life. There is a good chance that someone in the world is in need more than you are. Giving back to people less fortunate than yourself is a great way to make you feel a sense of accomplishment. Charity is a great way to give back to those less fortunate. It doesn’t have to be a million dollar donation to build a new hospital; something as simple as doing a 5k run can bring someone happiness and fulfilment. Whether it is going to a shelter or helping an elderly neighbor, any little action can impact someone's life along with your own. By doing this, you with be helping others, but also benefiting

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