Definition Essay On Happiness

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Have you ever wondered if you can be productive and pay the bills and still be happy? In my opinion you can be productive and pay the bills and still be happy. There are many people out there doing what they love and make money doing it. It might not be much money but they manage through. It could be argued that money is the key to happiness and as a result people seek happiness in many different ways. Americans tend to believe that the only way to become happy is to become successful and rich like many people do. It is often said that happiness is the key to a successful life which in most cases it is, my whole life I have heard it said that if you do something you love you would never have to work a day in your life, and it is one of my main goal in life to living a well and happy life. Many people assumed that the only way to be happy was to make more of money and have more things than other people in life. I for one do not agree with this and i'm going to tell you why. I’ve always believed that the only way to be happy was to do what you love to do in life and make money doing it. Although this is may be true to many people doing what they love …show more content…

Ever since I was a little kid people have always told me that the world is not an easy place to live in it's hard and you will go through struggles to be where you want to be in life, to be happy. In the movie The Pursuit of Happiness Chris Gardner shows us an example of what it's like to struggle and work hard and succeed,he had to go through hell but it all payed off in the end. He was finally happy, he took time and and put in all the hard work and he got what he wanted. He had lost everything he had and was important to him and he got more in return. He is not only happy but productive he gets thing done when he can, he has to it’s part of his