What is considered happiness to most people, may be misery for others. When people are asked what the definition of happiness is, some start to name off things that name make them happy. Philosophers have yet to get an accurate definition of happiness. The common happy person, has a reason or purpose in life. Happiness is the positive outcome of the events that occur in life. People who are working and have a certain level of wealth tend to be happier than the homeless guy living under a bridge. The three things that make most people happy in life are close relationships, money or wealth and generosity. Being in a close relationship with someone is not only healthy but also promotes a happy lifestyle for people. Studies show that being in a successful relationship is key to a happy lifestyle. Not just being in a relationship with another in love but being in a close relationship with your family or friends. Being in a close relationship with someone develops trust which leads to happiness. Being able to trust someone develops security in a relationship, which then makes the relationship last longer. Being in a close …show more content…
Money. Fact is money is a very powerful thing. It controls people's lives. Money provides power in human society. It creates a sense of closure or confidence. Having the ability to make a purchase of just about anything someone wants or needs creates happiness. For example, someone who lives in a middle class home with a successful job making decent money is going to be happier than someone who works minimum wage living paycheck to paycheck. Having the money to spend on items to make a person's life easier makes that person happier. Driving a vehicle that doesn't run right and has problems every other week causes frustration versus driving a vehicle that cost a little more but does not experience any problems. Money can cause stress and anxiety but if used right, money can cause less stress and more