
Definition Essay On Names

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Everyone has a different reason for having their name. Some, it came from their parents, others it was passed down to them by another family member. No matter where the name came from, it is unique to the person that has it. However, not all people have the same simplicity of their names. Some people are more likable than others for many reasons, one reason very few people think of is what a person’s name is. A name is more likable when it is a more common or easily pronounceable name. As American psychologist at New York University, Adam Alter, said “When we can process a piece of information more easily, when it’s easier to comprehend, we come to like it more” (Mosher, 2012, p.1). When something sounds right it is easier to comprehend it. This is the reason why some teachers use songs to help their kids learn the material, if it has a good rhythm to it kids are more likely to remember it. When we hear music we remember the lyrics better than when we hear talking, the lyrics have more fluidity and we can remember the rhythm that goes with it. This is the same concept as remembering names, if the name is easy to say then it is usually easy to remember. …show more content…

Everyone is known by their first name, with a more common first name, it may make them more likable. Study shows boys with girls names are more likely to become suspended, and children with less common names are more likely to become delinquent (Mosher, 2012, p.1). This does make sense, boys with girls names have more of a chance to be made fun of by their classmates for having a name that is more common with girls. There is nothing wrong with a boy having a more feminine name, but society makes it seem like it is terrible to have a name that does not fit with the

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