What is stress? Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger whether it’s real orimagined, the body’s defense kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as “fight or flight” or the “stress response.”(Jeanne Segal, n.d.)Stressaffects the cortisol level to skyrocket during a tense moment. This is how fight or flight response came about. I’ve often heard that too much stress can cause illnesses. We typically deal with stress every day. Whether it everyday stress, school, stress,home stress, and work stress. We are just surrounded by stress, it just all depends on how we cope or deal with stress that causes us to get sick. How does stress affect us? “Fight or flight,” our bodies way …show more content…
(Davey, 2011)A few healthy ways you can deal with stress:Take care of yourself.Eat healthy, well-balanced mealsExercise on a regular basisGet plenty of sleepGive yourself a break if you feel stressed outTalk to someone. Share problems don’thold it in coping with others is a big stress reliever. Whether it’s a friend, counselor, doctor, or pastor. Talk to someone let your emotions and feelings out.Avoid drinking and smoking, and many people are always on the go so they tend to do these bad habits while operating a vehicle. Take a break. Take time out to yourself, enjoy life do things that makes you happy. (CDC, 2018)Yes, stress can be a good thing. It helps us when we are in danger (fight or flight). Common reactions to a stressful even can include:Disbelief, shock, and …show more content…
There are major warning signs to know if your stressing. Your body gives you signs telling you it needs maintenance and extra care. Karasek’s Job Demand-Control Model is one of the best-known approach to work stress. We all stress at work. Heavy workload, fast pace of work and conflicting demands. Working in a busy bar or restaurant are all factors of job demands. (Davey, 2011)Working in a call center is a high stressjob environment. Many of these jobs give you a time limit with each person on the phone, and the conversations are scripted. This gives the working little control because they have to think fast, and try to handle situations over the phone, and sometimes they don’t always know exactly what the other person is trying to explain. This job wouldn’t be good for someone with many help problems because it’ll increase the heart rate. Facts about stress, stress is known as “the silent killer” because it has a lot to do with heart disease. Science hasn’t linked gray hair to stress but it can call alopecia and other hair loss. The top jobs for stress illness are surgeons, commercial airline pilot, photojournalist,