Definition Essay: Wed-Nes-Wednesday In School

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As odd as it may sound to have a favorite day that isn’t either Saturday or Sunday, it turns out mine has always been Wednesday. I love the way it’s spelled, and it’s just so fun to pronounce it phonetically: “Wed-nes-day.” I find it interesting how it’s derived from the Old English word, “day of Woden,” Woden actually being the Norse god, Odin, being often seen in various Marvel comics and movies. I’ve always loved Wednesday in regards to it’s placement in relation to the school week. Mondays are just awful, plain and simple: there is no need for further explanation on that. Tuesday is just the day after Monday and the day before Wednesday, so it’s pretty much just a filler day. Wednesday is the halfway point of the week; that point when …show more content…

I even own a pair of custom Nike Elite socks that feature this camel accompanied by the phrase, “hump day,” all over the socks, and I used to wear them every Wednesday. I was actually known around my school for wearing them every Wednesday, by both teachers and students. They’re just really awesome socks that only added to my love of Wednesday. The rest of the days of the week just don’t stack up against Wednesday: Thursday is pretty much Tuesday part two; it is the day immediately after Wednesday and before Friday, so again, Thursday is just another filler day. It comes right after Wednesday, so it’s already got a rough start, then it’s right before Friday, so it’s got no hope of recovery. On to Friday, TGIF, undoubtedly the most popular day of the week. Friday isn’t my favorite day solely because, unlike many of my classmates, I don’t have a bitter hatred for school, but rather enjoy challenging myself with rigorous courses while being able to socialize with friends. Also, I’m not the person who has big plans every Friday night, maybe just hang out with a friend, or relax with family, or now, work

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