Definition Essay: What Is Being Selfish Life?

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What is being selfish? This word tends to vary in meaning for a multitude people. However, the actions described with these words are all moderately the same. As said in the dictionary, selfish means to be devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. Several people in the world are not selfish, or at least don’t show it often. Nonetheless, there are still people in the world with this trait. That brings me to the question of what are selfish people like? Are they peremptory people who do not care for the well-beings of others? Or, are they copacetic people who prefer to mind their own business. That brings me to my next question and topic of this paper. Does being selfish make you unhappy in life? To answer, yes it does. Here is my cogitation as to why. Being selfish in life is not something you inherit, but something you …show more content…

No one wants a friend that will only look out for themself. People look for a friend that will “have their back”. A selfish person does not possess that quality in them. Instead, they will have their own back. They will be quick to give up a friend if it means that they can help their self. This will not only occur in friendships, but in any relationship at all. Being in a romantic relationship causes for mutual trust. When times get tough in a relationship, how does a person know that their selfish significant other won't only protect their self. As mentioned earlier, people only want a relationship for someone where they can trust that a person will look out for their best needs in life. At the end of it all being selfish can lose you many friendships that could have been

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