Definition Essay: What Is Satire Effective?

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First I have to ask, what is satire? Satire is defined in Oxford's dictionary as the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize stupidity or vices. But is satire even effective? The simple answer is yes, satire is and has been effective. Satire is effective because it shows people that there actually is a problem, and it can contribute to social change for the greater good. So, you might be asking yourself, “how can satire contribute to social change?” Well one way it could help is by showing people that there is a serious problem that needs to be fixed. One way that we can support this claim is by showing people the problem and if it's satirized, they will remember that in the future. Next, we could bring the problems to light. We can complete this by making more intriguing cartoons or writing on actual events that are happening in the world. Lastly, we can express the problem in different ways. What I mean in different ways is show people problems in videos, books, billboards, or even protesting. This is one way satire could help by showing people that there is a serious problem that needs to be fixed. …show more content…

One crucial detail is if everyone talked about it, more people are eager to listen. For example, if everyone is saying how good a burger is, people are most likely going to try it out. Another big detail is giving people more knowledge of what we're talking about. When we do this, people get the idea of what we are talking about. And Lastly, It could change the world. Satire makes a big difference in our day to day life and gives us hope for tomorrow. This is how satire is effective in contributing to social