Definition Essay: What Is Trust?

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Trust What is trust? Trust is different to everyone you ask. The actual definition is the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, and honest. Trust is involved in all parts of life. The parts I will be talking about are trust in general, family, friends, relationship, and what life can be like without trust. Trust is a big part in life. It is crucial for every part of life from a business to a relationship. Without trust people would be in a constant state of worrying if someone was going to betray them or just looming disaster because you do not trust the world. You need to have trust in the future and that it will end up being good. Without trust the bad times in life would never get better you would just focus on the bad and never trust that good will come. Trust can take a long time to get and once you do it can be lost in an instance. Trusting life can also take you outside your comfort zone. You trust yourself that you can do anything which will let you live an exciting …show more content…

You should be able to tell your family anything. Your family is supposed to be the people you are closest to. Without trust in a family they become broken. Families will fight about all sorts of things and bad fights. Not having trust can lead to the parents setting strict rules for their children which can make the kids mad at the parents. Fights involving trust can even cause a family to split apart in a divorce. That is probably the worst way a fight about trust could end. If the parents can trust their children they can have privileges, which can make them become better friends with their parents. When they become friends they have even more trust because most times kids don’t want to tell their parents about their life, but if they are friends they can trust them to not judge them. Family should have the best trust of all, if you can not trust the people you have lived with for most of your life how are you going to be able to trust anyone

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