Definition Of Evil Essay

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Evil is a simple word that we learn at a young age and that we understand is bad. However, our youth and innocence prevents us from knowing the weight the word holds. As our understanding of evil develops, we begin to see evil all around us. Although we hold common societal definitions of evil, each person is bound to view evil slightly different from others. Someone might consider alcoholism evil, while others consider it normal: someone might believe racism is evil, while others believe it is natural. Evil is unique to each individual, how people were raised and what they were exposed to will alter their definition of evil. However, people generally agree that homicide, rape, torture, genocide, and terrorism are all evil. Causing agony or suffering is considered evil. Manipulating the weak or manipulating children, in any way, is considered evil. Despite our societal understanding that these acts are evil and that evil is bad, we witness evil nearly every day. This unconformity, these people knowing what is evil yet still doing the evil, cannot be explained simply.

Perhaps the most evident human trait that …show more content…

Pride is another human trait that prompts evil. People too proud to realize that they are a source of evil. Conrad also exposes Marlow, the story teller, as evil. Marlow never physically or verbally harms any other character. Instead, Marlow’s evil comes in the form of pride and silence. It’s clear as Marlow first gets to the outer station and witnesses the cruelty the Africans face that he subconsciously identifies the actions as evil; but he does nothing to stop the inhumanity. Sometimes the degree of evil might be minimal but it’s still there. Evil once lived wherever pain resides. If evil was eradicated from the world we would no longer see pain or suffering. The day when no one is suffering, when no one is in misery or agony, is the day evil will cease to