Definition Of Failure Essay

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We all have our own definition of success. Everyone can think back to a time where they experienced some success, whether it is closing a major business deal or as simple as helping someone out. For some it means a certain income level, for others it’s overcoming challenges. Though we each get to define what success means for us, whether or not others agree with your definition is up to them. Success is the lofty idea of accomplishing some type of task that can make someone feel extraordinary. Michael Jordan once said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that’s why I succeed.” From that statement, it can be said that Michael Jordan did not see failure as something negative, but as something positive like the secret to success. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines failure as “the omission of occurrence and performance.” It is a fact that every person will do anything to avoid failure, but unfortunately it is destined at one point in time people will experience failure. Sadly, instead of seeing failure in a positive perspective, people choose to grieve about it for the rest of their lives. Failure is a circumstance that people …show more content…

Some stories focus on mainly the growth of one person, who goes from one place in their lives to another as they face changes and new experiences. Which could be another way to define success. In the short story “A Walk to the Jetty”, by Jamaica Kincaid, Annie John is preparing to board a ship that will bring her to her new life in England. Throughout the story Annie reminisces about her life in Antigua, and all that she was going to be leaving behind once she got on the ship. At first, she feels like she rather be anywhere other than home. As the short story continues, she realizes how much she will be leaving behind if she gets on the ship. But Annie realizes that you have to sacrifice some things to succeed in

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