Definition Of Happiness Essay

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True Happiness By ZUhere Team Jul 7, 2012 People are perpetually seeking happiness, but few have been able to find it. This is perhaps because we tend to look for happiness in things that we believe will bring us happiness, but in actuality do not. Happiness is a flash that lights up our lives. It is indefinable emotion that comes and goes. The feeling we experience when we receive something we long for: a prize, great news, or when something moves us by taking our breath. However, it comes with such force that in the blink of an eye it fades, leaving a large empty space and disappointment. True happiness is the inner sense of freedom, peace, security and satisfaction we feel when we decide to live our life fully; to give and make every moment …show more content…

It's a transformation from the seemingly negative into the positive, or of the impossible to the possible. We will usually take away the importance of "being," by the desire of "owning," and to "own something" is to lose happiness. We think that once we get what we want, we will have the happiness we have never had before. However, when we do get what we want, we experience such an enormous sense of happiness that it actually vanishes as soon as we set our eyes on our next goal; believing that it is this goal that will make us truly happy forever, and so it goes on. Ask yourself where your unhappiness comes from? Most of us are addicted to negative thoughts and feelings that we have had for years. These turn into chronic habits that have a chemical effect on our bodies and end up ruining our emotional life. It is therefore vital to manage the thoughts that cause these changes, and let go of the negativism game. Believing that external changes will automatically bring one happiness is a very dangerous trap that actually prevents us from being

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