Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest Essay

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Abstract The increase of deforestation rate and the CONSEQUENT loss of biodiversity on the Amazon rainforest it’s a global concern nowadays. The human activities, the population growth and the increase demand for food and other needs are leading to forest for ’the end not so happy’. The aim of this study is to report the impact of human pressure on the Amazon rain forest and how these actions influence the wildlife Introduction Nowadays it's notable the increase of the deforestation and fragmentation on the Amazonian Forest. The amazon as an important bioma provides for the world important environmental services, as carbon storage, and the regulation of regional hydrological cycles, among others. (Fearnside, 2003; Laurance WF, et al. 2001). The rise of deforestation and forest degradation continue to be a challenge for the whole world, the result can be noticed on the social, environmental and on the economics. (Porter-Bolland, L., et al. 2011). The Brazilian population is growing every day, according to IBGE 2014, the population today are 202,033.670 habitants, 85% living in the cities and 15% on the countryside According to (G.O. Carvalho, D. 20012): 11% of the Brazilian population lives inside …show more content…

The crops are installed both on land converted from pasture and on land converted directly from tropical forest (Morton et al, 2006). Mato Grosso is Brazil's largest producing state on soybean, acreage grew 35% to 65% between 2001 and 2010, Brazil nowadays it's one of the three largest exports country in the global industry production of soybean (Mahr, 2011; Macedo et al, 2012). Also, there is a relation between soybeans price and deforestation rates, according to Arini (2008), when the international price for soybeans raise, the deforestation rate shows an increase rate, when the price of soybean decline the deforestation rate

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