Dehumanization: Power, Religion And Propaganda

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There has been a mass amount of genocides all over the world and dehumanization has been is a huge part of it. Dehumanization can be done in many different ways. Some genocides were caused because a leader or anyone with more power believed they should eliminate a race, but to accomplish this, they would need to dehumanize anyone who tried to stop them. There are three key parts when it comes to dehumanizing someone, and they are power, religion or beliefs and propaganda.
Power plays a big part when it comes to dehumanizing people. People who have power could make rules that restrict people and cause them to obey their every order, this is why someone who has power has a higher chance of convincing people to do something then someone without …show more content…

There are a lot of ways someone can be baited or convinced to believe in something and the more people that believe in something the more powerful and popular that belief gets. Hitler once said, "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." This means that for someone to gain power they have to continuously make their belief heard.
Propaganda is also a major part when dehumanizing people. Someone could use propaganda to make people believe something that is a lie. Propaganda is how most people are convinced into believing something. Hitler used propaganda to convince people that the Jews were bad people and the Aryan race was superior. According to Adolf Hitler, "All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach." Propaganda has to be easy to understand so that it could convince more people.
There are three parts dehumanization, they are power, religion or belief and propaganda. There are many ways to cause dehumanization other than power, religion or belief and propaganda. I predict that most parts of the world have everything under control and there won't be any more genocides anytime